While most superstars in South India struggle to surprise their audiences and have fallen into the status-quo trap, 3-time National Award Winner for Best Actor Mammootty has continuously managed to deliver roles that are far off the beaten track. In his very first production under his newly launched banner "Mammootty Kampany", the veteran thespian delivers a completely out-of-the-box revenge thriller that breaks every convention in Mollywood, giving us an immserve, brooding dark thriller that staggers with its mood-setting, buildup and its chilling conclusion.
Mammootty stars as Luke Antony, a mysterious NRI who turns up one day in a sleepy village hamlet, having seemingly lost track of his wife after they both were involved in a car accident. Hell bent on finding her or the perpetrators behind his disappearance, the stranger takes up residence in the town and eventually find out that the outwardly simple-minded villagers all have something to hide and their own secrets to protect. Director Nissam Basheer, who made a name for himself with his debut film "Kettiyollaanu Ente Maalakha (2019)", gets his casting spot on in his sophomore venture, with Jagadeesh, Bindu Panicker and Grace Antony shining in their respective roles.
The background music provided by Midhun Mukundan, the virtuoso behind the smash hit renditions of "Garuda Gamana Vrishabha Vahana", ensnares you fully into this hypnotic world of vengeance, deceit and retribution where you are never fully aware of the motivations and moral compasses of the characters before you. The script and dialogues from Sameer Abdul will continuously keep you guessing while the eclectic camera work from Nimish Ravi doubles the impact of the gruesome proceedings on screen.
"Rorschach" might not be everybody's cup of tea given its insistence not to spoon feed the moralities and convictions of its characters to its audience and its open-endedness in terms of several character arcs. But for fans of moody, atmospheric thriller with dollops of dark humour, this is a definite must-watch and a much-needed break from the template thriller Mollywood has fallen prey to off late. After "Munnariyippu (2014)" and "Puzhu (2022)", Mammootty continues to dazzle in a grey-shaded character and one wishes that the writers in Mollywood rise up to the challenge and give him more such unconventional roles where we can see his full range on display.
Mammootty stars as Luke Antony, a mysterious NRI who turns up one day in a sleepy village hamlet, having seemingly lost track of his wife after they both were involved in a car accident. Hell bent on finding her or the perpetrators behind his disappearance, the stranger takes up residence in the town and eventually find out that the outwardly simple-minded villagers all have something to hide and their own secrets to protect. Director Nissam Basheer, who made a name for himself with his debut film "Kettiyollaanu Ente Maalakha (2019)", gets his casting spot on in his sophomore venture, with Jagadeesh, Bindu Panicker and Grace Antony shining in their respective roles.
The background music provided by Midhun Mukundan, the virtuoso behind the smash hit renditions of "Garuda Gamana Vrishabha Vahana", ensnares you fully into this hypnotic world of vengeance, deceit and retribution where you are never fully aware of the motivations and moral compasses of the characters before you. The script and dialogues from Sameer Abdul will continuously keep you guessing while the eclectic camera work from Nimish Ravi doubles the impact of the gruesome proceedings on screen.
"Rorschach" might not be everybody's cup of tea given its insistence not to spoon feed the moralities and convictions of its characters to its audience and its open-endedness in terms of several character arcs. But for fans of moody, atmospheric thriller with dollops of dark humour, this is a definite must-watch and a much-needed break from the template thriller Mollywood has fallen prey to off late. After "Munnariyippu (2014)" and "Puzhu (2022)", Mammootty continues to dazzle in a grey-shaded character and one wishes that the writers in Mollywood rise up to the challenge and give him more such unconventional roles where we can see his full range on display.
a review by nidhun
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